If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • King’s ACSD Department is available for free to all King’s University College students, offering support services to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. All services are available by scheduled appointment; walk-in appointments for Accessibility Services and Personal Counselling are also offered. Schedule and learn more on the King’s website.

  • The Write Place is a hub for writers and writing at King’s, operating within the Department of English, French, and Writing. The tutors, writing consultants, and writing specialists at The Write Place empower students working on academic and creative projects, fostering confidence through improved reading, thinking, and communication skills. The specialists also serve as resources on writing pedagogy for professors across all disciplines. The Write Place is committed to cultivating a vibrant, inclusive, and creative workplace culture that reflects the diversity at King’s.

    Students and faculty are encouraged to follow The Write Place on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about the tutors and stay updated on weekly activities.

  • The MEM Help Centre provides assistance with a range of MEM courses – see the lists below. The Centre is staffed by current King’s undergraduate students who were nominated for this role by one or more of their instructors, and have strong grades across several courses.

    The Centre is in the Cram Family Gathering Place, on the second floor by the stairs in the SLC. You don't need to make an appointment, just drop in.

  • Students who need additional University supports and information about local resourcesare recommended to contact Joanna Bedggood, Manager, Student Wellness, for additional support that the University and City can offer.

  • King’s Students are encouraged to explore the safety features, services, and information that King’s has in place. Feel free to look over the Safe Campus section of the King’s Website.


  • Students are encouraged to pursue supports offered by the University Students’ Council such as Purplecarez Peer Supports, Food Services, UCC Dental, UCC Vision, etc.

  • Togetherall: Togetherall harnesses the protective and therapeutic effects of connectedness and healthy social networks in its unique community where people share with and support each other. https://account.v2.togetherall.com/join/ckkdsbx6y3xop0851gbe0ky0s

    Be Safe: You deserve help (Family Service Thames Valley). Designed to help you make decisions in a crisis, this app enables you to make a safety plan, and offers information and options for getting help and resources in the London area and other regions. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://mindyourmind.ca/interactives/be-safe

    7 Cups (7 Cups of Tea). Designed to provide people with someone to talk too. The service is confidential and anonymous, and it connects you to a caring listener or an online therapist or counsellor. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. https://www.7cups.com/

    Bsafe: never walk alone (Bipper USA, Inc.). Designed to help you keep safe in social situations or when alone. Features include: GPS and Alerts to friends/family about your location, check-in alarms, video recording, and fake call to help you get out of unpleasant situations/dates. Free and available on iOS and Google Play (Android).https://getbsafe.com/

  • Mind Your Mood (Family Service Thames Valley). Designed to help you track your mood, understand your ups and downs, and to see the larger picture of your emotional health. Offers a scale to measure the intensity of your moods. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://mindyourmind.ca/interactives/mind-your-mood

    Lantern: Manage Stress. Ease Anxiety (Thrive Network Inc.). Combines Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques with advice from experts. Assess 5 areas including: body, stress/anxiety, mood, sleep, and social life. Provides daily exercises tailored to your needs. Each user is matched with a professional coach trained in CBT. Subscription-based with a monthly fee of $75/month or $398/year ($33/month). Primarily web based with the supplemental app for iOS. https://golantern.com/

  • Stop, Breathe & Think (Stop, Breathe & Think, PBC). This award-winning app is designed to help you cultivate kindness and compassion in your daily life through a process of Stop: check-in with how you are feeling and what you are thinking; Breathe: practice mindful breathing, and Think: learn to broaden your perspective. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android http://www.stopbreathethink.org/

    SAM: Self-help for Anxiety Management (The University of West England). Offers self-help methods for managing both the physical and mental symptoms of anxiety. Provides education about anxiety, and external links to resources, as well as a tracker to monitor your anxiety, and a coping toolkit. Free and available on both iOS and android. http://sam-app.org.uk/

    B2R: Breathe2Relax (National Centre for Telehealth and Technology). Designed to be a portable stress management tool. Provides information on the effects of stress on the body, as well as instructions and breathing exercises to manage stress and anxiety. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://psyberguide.org/apps/breathe2relax/

    MindShift (Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia). Designed to help young adults cope with anxiety. Learn to decrease avoidance by practicing relaxation strategies, helpful ways of thinking, and identify steps to cope with anxiety. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://www.anxietybc.com/resources/mindshift-app

  • Healthy Minds (Royal Ottawa Mental Health Care Centre). Designed specifically for post-secondary students. Designed as a problem solving tool to help you deal with emotions and cope with stresses both on and off campus. Free and available on both iOS and android. http://www.theroyal.ca/mental-health-centre/apps/healthymindsapp/

    thinkFull (Canadian Mental Health Association). Designed to help you manage stress, solve problems, and increase wellness. Provides a tracker and personalized tips to help you live a healthy and balanced life. Free and available only on iOS. http://thinkfull.ca/

  • SuperBetter (SuperBetter, LLC). Designed as a game to help you feel stronger, increase resiliency, increase motivation and optimism, strengthen social connection, and helps you feel more capable to tackle challenges and achieve your goals. Free and available on iOS and android. https://www.superbetter.com/

    Happify (Happify Inc.). Provides tools, techniques, and programs to help you improve your emotional wellbeing. Techniques include positive psychology, mindfulness, and CBT interventions. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. http://www.happify.com/

    ThinkUp: Positive Affirmations & Motivations Daily (Precise Wellness LLC). Designed to help you develop and maintain a sense of positivity in your life. Offers personalized guided meditations geared towards your goals. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on iOS and android. http://thinkup.me/

  • Promoting wellness and improves stress management.

    Calm (Calm.com). Provides guided meditation, ranging from 2 to 20 minutes. Offers various soft music options to take you to your sanctuary. The goal: To allow you to slow down and de-stress. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android.

    Omvana – Meditation for Everyone (Minvalley Creations Inc.). Offers personalized guided meditations and includes background music. Provides a health kit to help you recognize your stress level and respond accordingly so as to promote calmness. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. http://www.omvana.com/

    10% happier (Change Collective). “Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics,” this is a clear, simple approach to learn meditation, and/or improve your meditation practice. Free with offers for in-app purchases on iOS and webapp. http://www.10percenthappier.com/

    Smiling Mind (Smiling Minds). It is a tool designed to make meditation and mindfulness easy. Includes a tracker and daily meditations geared for specific age groups. Free and available on iOS and android. https://smilingmind.com.au/smiling-mind-app/

  • Sleepio – the sleep improvement app (Big Health Ltd.). Developed by a clinical research team made of CBT clinical psychologists and sleep researchers. Designed to improve your sleep using CBT techniques that address your thoughts, lifestyle, and sleep routine. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available only on iOS https://www.sleepio.com/

    Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (Northcube AB). Uses your phone to analyze your sleep pattern, and wake you up in your lightest sleep phase. Designed to make waking up easy and natural. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on iOS and android. https://www.sleepcycle.com/

    Relax and Sleep Well with Glenn Harrold (Glenn Harrold). Offers self-hypnosis and meditation recordings to help improve sleep, decrease stress, and promote relaxation. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on iOS and android

  • Sworkit (Nexercise, rated #1 fitness app by the American College of Sports Medicine). Sworkit stands for “simply work it.” Offers 5- to 60-minute workouts that require no equipment and can be done anytime/anywhere. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. https://sworkit.com/

    C25K (Zen Labs). Designed to train new/beginner runners to be 5K distance runners in 8 weeks. Provides a tracker and connects to your music. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. http://www.c25kfree.com/

    Aaptiv (Skyfit Sports, Inc., #1 audio fitness app in the Apple Store). Offers personal training anytime, anywhere, and on-demand audio fitness that combines your preferred music playlist and the guidance/voice of a trainer. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on iOS and android. https://aaptiv.com/

  • Zipongo (Zipongo Inc.). Designed as a digital nutrition platform that helps you make healthier food choices based on personalized meal recommendations that meet your food and shopping preferences, needs, and goals. Offers healthy recipes, grocery list function, and local grocery deals. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://www.zipongo.com/

  • Timetable (Gabriel Ittner). Helps you manage your timetable, homework, and studying for exams. Syncs across all Android devices. Free and available on Android on Google Play

    My Class Schedule (Sebastian Mayer). Helps you keep organized by reminding you about upcoming classes, unfinished homework, and upcoming exams. Offers a color-coded timetable, notifications. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on Android on Google Play.

    Class Timetable (Ice Media Creative). Helps you schedule your homework, assignments, upcoming exams, reminders about upcoming-classes, and events. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on iOS and Android.

  • Rise up + recover (Recovery Warriors LLC). Based upon cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) self-monitoring techniques, this app helps you track your meals, emotions, and behaviors related to food, body image, and exercise. Free and available on both iOS and android. https://www.recoverywarriors.com/app/

  • PTSD Coach Canada (Veterans Affairs Canada in partnership with Dept. of National Defense and CMHA). Offers dependable resources, information, and self-help tools to help you learn about and manage symptoms of PTSD. Also includes direct links to support and help. Free and available on both iOS and android. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/stay-connected/mobile-app/ptsd-coach-canada

  • Sober Grid (Sober Grid, LLC). Provides a sober social network that offers 24/7 peer support and other resources to help maintain sobriety. Offers a sobriety counter to track your recovery. Free with offers for in-app purchases. Available on both iOS and android. https://www.sobergrid.com/

    WEconnect – Recovery Aftercare (Pala-linq Social Purpose Corporation). Supports recovery from addiction. Provides a tracker to view progress and helpful routines, encourages social connection, offers rewards for completion of activities/goals, and includes a SOS button when you require immediate support. Free and available on iOS and Google Play. https://www.weconnectrecovery.com/